late night in AC

An old memory from my college years came back to me today with a jolt. Late one night, a bunch of us decided to go to Atlantic City after a party down the shore. I didn’t want to go but it was the only thing doing so I figured, fuck it. I’ve never been to a casino.

Well, everyone knows that Atlantic City sucks and this was even before half the casinos closed. There were no windows and there was definitely no sophisticated James Bond type area. It was unbelievably depressing and no matter how many of the free vodka tonics I sucked down, I could not catch a buzz for the life of me. I felt like I was suffocating.

Then it hit me — the ocean! Salvation! I made my way out to the boardwalk, took a giant inhale of that sweet sea air, threw off my shoes, and jumped onto the sand. Then I saw it. Lights from the casino were arranged to make the word “TRUMP” on the water, taking up what seemed to be the whole horizon in both directions, ruining the beautiful night on the beach, bringing all the degraded shit from the inside of the building and polluting my beloved ocean with it. It felt like a kick in the stomach.

Today when I was listening to the radio talk about Trump’s name on buildings all over the world, I remembered that night in AC and it gave me a very dark feeling.

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